Where does poison ivy grow?
As the most widespread poisonous plants in existence, poison ivy is nearly everywhere. Poison ivy plants can lead to painful, blistering rashes lasting for weeks in some cases. While most people think they can avoid an outbreak by simply staying away from nature, poison ivy prevention is more complicated than avoiding certain areas.
Where Does Poison Ivy Grow?
Poison ivy grows in every state in America with the exception of California, Alaska, and Hawaii. It also grows in every territory in Canada with the exception of Newfoundland. Chances are you live in a state or territory where this dangerous plant is quite common. Poison ivy is a robust plant, and it grows well in a variety of climates. In the winter, the leaves disappear leaving a brown vine behind. In the spring, the vine turns green, and white berries or flowers begin to appear. In summer, the plant is in full bloom with the leaves at their highest levels of potency. In the fall, the leaves change colors just like non-poisonous trees and plants. Poison ivy is a threat nearly all year long, whether you live in a state with a mild climate or extreme climate.
While many think poison ivy is confined to remote areas in the woods, poison ivy can grow in a variety of settings. Poison ivy can grow in the woods which is why many campers and hikers are prone to poison ivy reactions. While poison ivy can be found in the woods, it is more commonly found in what is called disturbed land. Disturbed land is any land that has been touched or manipulated by humans, such as backyards and gardens. City dwellers are not safe from this plant. Poison ivy can even grow in city settings on pathways and along sidewalks, as well as in parks mixed among the landscaping.
Aside from the many places, it can grow, poison ivy can take on different forms. It can grow as a shrub in your front yard. It can grow as a vine running up the building walls of your office or the fence in our backyard. It can even sprout up in between sidewalks in a bustling downtown area.