Does Outdoor Joe's® work on Poison Oak or Sumac?

Yes! The oleaginous resin (urushiol) that causes allergic reactions is produced by all three plants- poison ivy, oak, and sumac- is the same so Outdoor Joe's® has been proven to be an efficient poison oak, poison sumac, and poison ivy treatment. Read more below regarding poison oak, poison ivy, and poison sumac to distinguish between the three and keep you safe.

Poison Oak

While poison ivy is the most obvious culprit, poison oak is still a problem. Many people with a poison ivy rash may have come in contact with oak instead.  When it comes to poison oak identification, there are a few key distinguishers to know. 

Poison oak has the same three-leaf pattern as poison ivy but with a slight variation. The leaves are often shaped in a scalloped or wavy appearance and look quite similar to nonpoisonous oak leaves. While the shape is important, the color and texture also matter. 

The top of the leaves are usually glossy in appearance and range from green, yellow, red, or brown, depending on the season. Since these colors are similar to the color nonpoisonous plants display during the change of seasons, the telltale sign of the leaves is the glossy top and fuzzy underside.  Leaves that are nonpoisonous do not usually have a fuzzy underside. 

Poison Sumac

Poison sumac is a sister plant to poison ivy and can produce the same painful type of rash. Many people know what to look for with poison ivy plants. What about poison sumac identification? The plants may seem similar to the untrained individual, but there are several differences between the two. 

When it comes to poison sumac identification, we have some suggestions on what to watch for to avoid an unpleasant encounter.

Poison Sumac can grow taller than poison ivy. While poison ivy is usually a vine or small shrub, poison sumac can be either a shrub or a tree.  It can reach up to 20 feet tall with long branches sweeping downward in tree form. 

As a shrub, poison sumac can be identified by the leaves and vines. The leaves will be growing in an upward direction instead of a downward like poison ivy. 

The leaf pattern is different than the usual rule of three associated with poisonous plants.  The leaves of poison sumac are grouped together with multiple rows of two leaves equaling anywhere from 6 to 12 leaves with one large leaf occupying the head of the branch. Leaves differ from poison oak and ivy in that they are spoon-shaped with smooth edges. 

The stems of a poison sumac shrub will display a reddish brown color and may have small yellow or white flowers. The flowers will eventually turn into inedible white or gray berries. It is important to note that leaves, flowers, and berries that have fallen from the plant are still poisonous and should be avoided.

So How Does Outdoor Joe’s® Combat All Three?

Our homeopathic poison ivy solution helps prevent poison ivy, sumac, and oak reactions for up to a full year. Most people achieve complete reduce sensitivity while in others the severity of poison ivy allergies are reduced.  Outdoor Joe’s® is highly recommended by physicians, nurses, and pharmacists in preventing the effects of poison ivy. We offer protection that’s powerful while being an easy addition to your supplement regimen. 

Dosage is once a week for three weeks in the winter and once a month when there is a chance of exposure. Not to mention, Outdoor Joe's® is easy to administer. 

While it is most beneficial to begin during winter months, it can be administered at any time of year. If you can begin dosage in the winter, February is best. This is due to the dormant phase of poison ivy at that time of year.

To see what our customers have to say about how Outdoor Joe's® has helped, the reduction in poison ivy risks, or their rashes now, take a look at our testimonials.

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