Outdoor Joe's®

While everyone is at risk for coming into contact with poison ivy, there are some individuals at a greater risk for exposure. Everyone should take precautions to avoid contact with this dangerous plant, especially gardeners, hikers, and others often outdoors with higher risks of exposure. When it comes to poison ivy prevention, it isn’t enough to simply watch your step. Poisonous plants easily strike by a few distracted seconds of contact. A better way to protect yourself and your loved ones is with Rhus Toxicodendron oral solution.
With the inclusion of Rhus Toxicodendron oral solution into your regimen, you will be able to still enjoy the great outdoors without the constant worry of accidentally touching poison ivy. One of the best things about Rhus Toxicodendron is that it can be used by those who already have contracted the painful rash, as well as those looking to aid in preventing it in the first place. As a homeopathic supplement, Rhus Toxicodendron oral solution will not affect other medications currently being taken, whether over-the-counter or prescription. It has been recommended by physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and other health professionals to help prevent allergic reactions caused by poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac with a protection rate lasting up to one full year. Since this is an oral solution free from harmful chemicals or toxins, children old enough to hold the solution in their mouth for the suggested 30 seconds before swallowing can take this homeopathic solution, making it great for the entire family! Most individuals achieve complete immunity while others experience less severe reactions when exposed to poisonous plants.
Aside from the obvious benefits of using Rhus Toxicodendron oral solution to make poison ivy season more bearable, it is easy to administer with a few simple guidelines. When the dormant phase of poison ivy growth occurs in the winter, take the recommended dosage, hold in your mouth 30 seconds prior to swallowing and repeat the dosage on the same day of the week for three consecutive weeks. With the first three doses administered properly, levels of immunity have already been established! During the summer, administer the dosage once a month to continue building immunity.
For a simple addition to your supplement routine in exchange for a year free from the painful rash associated with common poisonous plants, Rhus Toxicodendron is an obvious choice for the health of your family!
Please Note: RhusTox is still available as the Outdoor Joe's® Retail product! If you are interested in learning more about purchasing RhusTox for retail, please contact us via our wholesale page.
"RhusTox/Outdoor Joe's®: Same great formula, same great product, and the same amazing results!"
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