"Thank You!"
By Bridgette
Outdoor Joe's Poison Ivy Pro® (formerly Rhus Tox Poison Ivy Prevention) is a homeopathic liquid solution helpful in building immunity against the effects of poison ivy when administered correctly. Rhus Toxicodendron is the primary ingredient found in Outdoor Joe's Poison Ivy Pro®. See what our client had to say
"Hi - Just wanted you to know that for at least the past 4 years in a row I have had severe poison oak several times each year. It's a gift my adorable dogs seems to give to me. We live on 11 acres in the Sierra Nevada foothills and getting rid of all the poison oak is impossible. This year, 2013, I got poison oak in February and then bought Rhus Tox and used it EXACTLY as directed and for the first time in years have been poison oak free since February! Thank you!"
Like this testimonial and want to see what others have to say about their experience with Outdoor Joe's Poison Ivy Pro®? Check out our Testimonials page to read more client testimonials about Outdoor Joe's®, previously known as RhusTox.
Did you recently use Outdoor Joe's Poison Ivy Pro®? Maybe you were prescribed Outdoor Joe's® by your doctor? We would love to hear from you, and we are always ready to see what we can improve or do better on. Let us know how it worked for you, ask us a question, contact us to retail Outdoor Joe's®, or leave us a testimonial today!
Curious about giving Outdoor Joe's Poison Ivy Pro® to your child or family member to prevent Poison Ivy for the upcoming season? Contact us today to inquire about your Poison Ivy needs. All inquiries will be considered during business hours. All requests will be processed the next possible business day if received before/after the work day. We appreciate your partnership and patience.