Poison Ivy Bundle | Outdoor Joe's® & Zanfel

Outdoor Joe's® & Zanfel: a better way to protect against, and recover from, poison ivy!
Outdoor Joe's®: Protection Before Contact
While everyone is at risk for coming into contact with poison ivy, there are some individuals at a greater risk for exposure. Everyone should take precautions to avoid contact with this dangerous plant, especially gardeners, hikers, and others often outdoors with higher risks of exposure. When it comes to poison ivy prevention, it isn’t enough to simply watch your step. Poisonous plants easily strike by a few distracted seconds of contact. A better way to protect yourself and your loved ones is with the use of Outdoor Joe's® Poison Ivy Pro (Rhus Toxicodendron oral solution).
With the inclusion of Outdoor Joe's® into your regimen, you will be able to still enjoy the great outdoors without the constant worry of accidentally touching poison ivy. One of the best things about Rhus Toxicodendron is that it can be used by those who already have contracted the painful rash, as well as those looking to aid in preventing it in the first place.
As a homeopathic supplement, Outdoor Joe's® will not affect other medications currently being taken, whether over-the-counter or prescription. It has been recommended by physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and other health professionals to help prevent allergic reactions caused by poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac with a protection rate lasting up to one full year. Since this is an oral solution free from harmful chemicals or toxins, children old enough to hold the solution in their mouth for the suggested 30 seconds before swallowing can take this homeopathic solution, making it great for the entire family! Most individuals achieve complete immunity while others experience less severe reactions when exposed to poisonous plants.
Aside from the obvious benefits of using Outdoor Joe's® to make poison ivy season more bearable, it is easy to administer with a few simple guidelines. When the dormant phase of poison ivy growth occurs in the winter, take the recommended dosage, hold in your mouth 30 seconds prior to swallowing and repeat the dosage on the same day of the week for three consecutive weeks. With the first three doses administered properly, levels of immunity have already been established! During the summer, administer the dosage once a month to continue building immunity.
For a simple addition to your supplement routine in exchange for a year free from the painful rash associated with common poisonous plants, Rhus Toxicodendron is an obvious choice for the health of your family!
Please Note: RhusTox is still available as the Outdoor Joe's® Retail product! If you are interested in learning more about purchasing RhusTox for retail, please contact us via our wholesale page.
Want to avoid getting poison ivy related rashes? Get Outdoor Joe’s®!
Want to get rid of the rash and get relief? Get Zanfel!
Better Safe Than Sorry, Why Not Get Both? Get The Bundle Here!
Zanfel: Safe Recovery After Contact
What is Zanfel?
Zanfel Poison Ivy, Oak & Sumac Wash® is a safe and effective topical solution for the reaction caused by exposure to poison ivy, poison oak, and sumac. Zanfel is a specially formulated wash that is clinically shown to remove urushiol, the toxin found in poison ivy, oak and sumac, from the skin and relieve itching ANYTIME after an outbreak.
How Does Zanfel Work?
Zanfel effectively removes urushiol. While regular products temporarily reduce itching but do nothing to remove urushiol, Zanfel treats the problem, not just the symptoms. It works to effectively remove urushiol from your skin by binding with the toxin to create an aggregated cluster, then moves it to the surface of the skin where it can quickly and effectively be washed away with water.
Why Does Zanfel Work?
The key to stopping the itch is actually removing the poison ivy, poison sumac, or poison oak toxin from the skin. This toxin (urushiol) is the cause of the allergic reaction (contact dermatitis). Zanfel actually removes the toxin from the layer of skin so that the itching stops and the body is put into a position to immediately begin healing the rash.
How Fast Does Zanfel Work?
You will begin to feel relief within seconds of washing with Zanfel. The healing begins as the toxin is removed so in most cases, you will feel relief in as little as 30 seconds! After completing the first treatment, you should be itch-free and 75-80% of the rash also should disappear within 24 hours. For most people, no more treatments are required.
Is Zanfel Safe?
Yes! Zanfel is perfect for everyone! This safe formulation can be safely used by children, pregnant and nursing women. No matter your age, Zanfel provides the healing relief you need most! Zanfel is safe to use on any external body area, including the face and genitals.
When is the Best Time to Use Zanfel?
Zanfel can and should be used ANYTIME after the rash appears.
What Side Effects Should I Expect from Zanfel?
Zanfel has been clinically tested. There are no known side effects to using Zanfel.
What Else Should I Know About Using Zanfel?
Zanfel is the ONLY product clinically shown to remove the toxin urushiol ANYTIME after the outbreak.
Zanfel is very instruction specific. Be sure to read and follow ALL steps in the instructions.
For most mild to moderate cases, ONE application of Zanfel is all that is needed.
If the itch returns, rewash with Zanfel as per the directions. If the itch is gone, there is no need to reapply.
Know Your Poisonous Plants
Poison Ivy, the most common of the three plants, is characterized by three pointed leaflets. These leaves assume bright colors in the fall, turning yellow, then red. Poison ivy is found everywhere in the United States except Alaska, Hawaii, and California. It is most commonly found in the eastern and mid-western states.
Outdoor Joe's® Rhus Toxicodendron Oral Solution Directions for Use
Standard Dosing Plan
Follow this process if you’re ready to begin taking Outdoor Joe's® in winter, preferably February is best.
Phase 1: During Phase 1, take the recommended dose of Rhus Toxicodendron once a week for three consecutive weeks. We recommend that you take one of the three first doses on the same day of the week each week . Make sure not to miss your next dosage to ensure effectiveness. Do not take more than the recommended dosage.
It’s best to take the medication before bed or between meals. Hold the solution in your mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Mint-flavored foods such as mouthwash and mints and eating should be avoided for 30 minutes after taking medication.
Phase 2: After you’ve completed the weekly dosing phase, switch to taking Rhus Toxicodendron just once a month when there is a chance of exposure. Again, it’s essential to the success of the solution to remember your monthly dose to maintain reduce sensitivity.
*Consult your pharmacist or physician for dosing considerations
Alternate Dosing Plan
You can still benefit from Outdoor Joe's® even if you don’t start taking the solution in the wintertime. When you’re ready to start taking the homeopathic medicine solution, follow the phased dosing plan outlined above carefully.
Note: Patients with an active case of poison ivy may still begin the use of Outdoor Joe's® (Rhus Tox).
Zanfel Directions for Use
Using Zanfel: 5 Easy Steps
1. Wet the affected area.
2. Squeeze 1 and 1/2 inches (no less; see ruler below) of Zanfel onto one palm. (Product will not work if less than 1 and 1/2 inches is used.)

3. Wet and rub both hands together for 10 seconds, working the product into a paste. (This will activate the ingredients. Do not bypass or modify this step.)
4. Rub both hands (up to 3 minutes, if needed) on the affected area, working Zanfel into the skin until there is no sign of itching (15 seconds is typical for mild to moderate reactions).
5. Rinse the area thoroughly. If the itch returns (which could be several hours later), rewash, following steps 1 through 5, and read the Q&A insert found in the package.
Outdoor Joe's Rhus Toxicodendron Oral Solution Safety Information
- If you start taking Outdoor Joe's (Rhus Tox) during the plant’s active growth phase in late spring and early summer, you must stay away from poisonous plants until you’ve taken at least the first three doses to avoid an allergic reaction.
- For those with a more severe reaction to poison ivy, it is recommended to continue taking Outdoor Joe's throughout the entire year for the best results.
- Results vary based on individual and proper dosage guidelines.
- Make sure to ask a health care professional before using if pregnant or nursing.
- Always keep out of sight for children. Seek professional assistance or contact poison control center immediately in case of an accidental overdose.
Zanfel Safety Information
- This tube contains enough Zanfel to wash approximately 15 patches the size of an adult hand or face.
- Note: severe reactions (that typically look like thick leathery burns) will probably require additional washings. If symptoms persist, reread the Q&A insert found in the packaging and see a physician.
- Do not take this product internally. Avoid contact with the eye. Safe for use by children and pregnant or nursing women.Safe for the face and genitals.
- There are no known side effects. Not recommended for use with rashes not caused by urushiol.