National Poison Prevention Week
Posted on March 16, 2020 at 10:00 AM by Tom Swegle
It's National Poison Prevention Week!
59 years ago, in an effort to raise awareness, promote poison prevention, and reduce unintentional poisonings, Congress established National Poison Prevention Week. During the third week in March annually, communities across America have come together to work with the National Poison Prevention Week Council to highlight the dangers of various types of poisonings for people of all ages.
Each year, the council holds a children's artwork contest and helps organize various other activities.
Contact your local poison center by calling 1-800-222-1222 to find out what activities they may already be planning in your area and how you can help. - HRSA.Gov
At Outdoor Joe's® we understand the pain and danger that can result from exposure to various poisons (especially plants). This is why we've created many resources to aide in common issues related to poison ivy, such as:
Our Poison Ivy Picture Gallery to assist in identifying the differences between poison ivy and look-alikes
With our collection of poison ivy leaves images, you can arm yourself with the knowledge you need to stay safe! While the commonly followed rule of “leaves of three, leave it be,” still apply, there are some additional points of interest made evident in these poison ivy leaves images.
While poison ivy always has three leaves, these poison ivy leaves images are used to illustrate how, when determining a poisonous plant from a nonpoisonous plant, the shape of the leaves is an important consideration. There are many non-poisonous plants that have three leaves, as shown below, which may be confused with poison ivy but are actually harmless.
A list of Poison Ivy Removal Services
Outdoor Joe's® has compiled a listing to help narrow your choice based on the state to help when choosing to hire professional poison ivy removal services.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Outdoor Joe's® does not perform poison ivy removal. The list provided here is for your reference only. Companies listed here do not constitute an official endorsement by Outdoor Joe's® (unless otherwise specified) and are listed for your convenience. Please contact a poison ivy removal service in your state directly.
The Official Outdoor Joe's® Poison Ivy Facts and FAQ
Wondering how long poison ivy lasts or what to look for in terms of leaves? Our helpful compilation of common questions helps ease the confusion surrounding this problematic worry. Are you looking for treating the ensuing rash, removing poisonous plants, or learning how poison ivy rashes can be contagious? We have the answers you need to avoid this unfortunate downside to enjoying the great outdoors.
The Poison Ivy Treatment and Resources Library
With resources regarding the bottle label, post cards, flyers, and research regarding the effectiveness of the solution, Outdoor Joe's® has you covered. To keep your family safe from allergic reactions caused by outdoor activities try Outdoor Joe's® Poison Ivy Pro today!
"If someone touches one of these plants, rinse right away with running water for at least five minutes. Poison center experts may not be able to identify other plants on the phone, so it is important before a poisoning occurs to learn the names of plants around your home. Call Poison Help (1-800-222-1222), which connects you to your local poison center, to find out more information." - HRSA.Gov
Of course, we recommend Outdoor Joe's® Poison Ivy Pro for poison ivy prevention in nature lovers of all ages!
Curious if Outdoor Joe's® is the treatment for you, a loved one, or considering retailing Outdoor Joe's Poison Ivy Pro®? We would love to hear from you!